Primary substation
A place, where a transmission network is connected to a distribution network, where high voltage is transformed to medium voltage. The medium voltage is divided into separate electricity distributions for specific areas.
Switching stations
A voltage transformation is not realized here, only medium voltage level distribution network is further divided.
Description of the Situation
Remote control of substations and switching stations was and is one of the priorities in most distribution companies. The substation is the nodal and most important element of the distribution system and its possible failure significantly affects a large part of the distribution network in a given location. Therefore, it is very important not only to disconnect the fault and protect the part of the line from destruction, but also to identify the affected line as quickly as possible and, if possible, pinpoint the location of the fault so that the service team can repair the fault in the shortest possible time.
ELVAC RTU Solution
ELVAC RTU systems in primary substations are used for:
- collection of digital signals from multiple contacts from different switches, grounding knives and other technological alarms,
- control of switching elements, tap changer control of transformers for voltage correction in power lines and switching to the backup line (bus) in case of power outage,
- measurement of voltages, currents and derived quantities (power outputs, power factors etc.) on primary high voltage (HV) side is usually done either by downloading these data from the protection relays that need this information for their own operation, on secondary medium voltage (MV) side either over protection relays or by measuring these quantities directly into RTU system through measuring transformers and calculating derived quantities,
- data collection from many different substation devices.
ELVAC RTU benefits:
- the possibility of the centralized or decentralized system with backup communication via an optical or metallic ring,
- support for many communication protocols and interfaces, suitable for new installations and retrofits,
- main and backup communication support to SCADA,
- data concentrator function,
- integration of protective functions for medium voltage – RTU can be used directly as protection relay at these levels, one RTU can replace up to 4 protection relays,
- optional use of automation functions such as automatic backup (switching to backup lines in the case of a failure), or others,
- integrated HMI interface – easy visualization of controlled technology.
- optional battery backup – RTU directly charges and constantly monitors battery status.